Have you ever asked yourself what you would do if there were no barriers or limits?
If the answer is yes, have you actually done it?
If the answer is no…do it now!
I like a challenge and I like to try new things and push myself out of my comfort zone. I’ve participated in “Endure 24”, a 24 hour relay race (and am about to do it again), I’ve done half marathons, I’ve just entered a marathon (eek!) and I’ve tried dragon boating events and high ropes courses. I’ve climbed mountains and been scuba diving. I’ve even done a bungee jump. So you probably think I’m very care-free and like to take risks. Well yes, maybe I am when it comes to my hobbies and what I like to do in my free time. But when it comes to work, that’s a very different story!!
I have a steady job – doesn’t earn me mega bucks but I earn enough to live off and have a decent standard of living. It comes with a good pension, decent holiday allowance and a good culture of flexible working. The people who work there are great too. I’ve worked there for fourteen years. But do you know what? I really haven’t enjoyed my job for probably the last five years if I’m really honest with myself. But I’ve stayed, feeding myself a host of excuses:
“I’m a single parent and need the security”
“I won’t ever get as good a pension”
“Loads of people would give anything to have my job”
“I won’t be able to earn as much doing a different job” or “I might struggle to find another job”
All are valid reasons, but do you know why I really stayed? I was scared! Scared to try something different in case it didn’t work out. Scared to take away that security blanket. My fear was holding me back and I was scared to take a risk – always focusing on “what happens if it goes wrong?” Never once thinking, “what might happen if I succeed?”
Well finally I’m facing my fear.
In a month’s time, I will be leaving my job of fourteen years to focus on my personal training business. There, said it. It’s starting to feel real.
I took a big step in January of going part-time at my long-term job and started working for myself part-time as a Personal Trainer (PT). This was a big step in itself, but still kept that bit of security. In my mind, I was going to give it at least a year and then assess and take stock…which you may be thinking is the sensible thing to do. This is what I told myself too, but actually in doing this I was limiting my PT business and never really had the time to develop any of my ideas or do as much as I wanted. Really again it was because I was scared to take the full leap of faith. And when I asked myself the question at the top of this page, the answer was “to leave my job and be a full-time PT.”
No safety blanket, no guaranteed income, that’s still true. It may not work out but at least I’ll have no regrets, and no wondering what might have been, if only I’d been brave enough to try.
I know I’ll be much happier and more fulfilled and what is more important that that!? I haven’t got it all figured out yet but I have ideas, ambitions and it’s exciting. I’m not even actually that scared anymore. The hardest part was making the decision and since I made it, I’ve felt nothing but hope and anticipation for this new phase in my life
One of my colleagues gave me the best advice: “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step”.
It’s great advice and I think it applies to so many areas of life – whatever your goal or ambition. No matter how small or big that first step is, don’t let your fear stop you from taking it!
Wish me luck!