Gill Brown

About Gill Brown

Personal Trainer and busy mum of two!

Shifting the fat that just won’t shift

Why is it so hard to shift those extra pounds or lose that stubborn bit of fat? I used to find I could lose weight quite easily. I'm lucky in that I've never had to lose a lot of weight, due to the fact I've been fairly active most of my life. But there have been times when I've wanted to lose

By |2021-10-17T20:26:11+01:00March 15th, 2021|

Staying motivated when you’re not motivated…

Hands up, who's fallen off the health and fitness wagon yet? ✋ Or should the real question be, who hasn't?? Me, me and me again... It's nearly the end of February and the novelty of the new year start has somewhat worn off. There have been several occasions that have warranted a treat night; a couple of birthdays, Valentine's Day, pancake day,

By |2021-10-17T20:16:57+01:00February 23rd, 2021|

Let’s Bust a Myth

There are loads of beliefs and opinions about exercise - we all have them. It's why lots of us choose to be active. We believe it's good for us (it is!), we believe it helps us lose weight (it can do, but not on its own). Some people believe they are good at it (matter of opinion!), others think it's not for them...and

By |2021-10-17T20:11:18+01:00February 9th, 2021|

The First Hurdle

So just over a week into the new year, new me plans and I've hit my first hurdle. And it's a bit of a whopper! The whole family has been struck down with the dreaded C-word. Yep, Covid has hit - first the kids, then me. We're lucky though - the kids are fine barring a loss of smell and taste (the eldest's

By |2021-10-17T16:48:55+01:00January 21st, 2021|

New Year, New Me…again

How many times have you started the new year with a resolution that this will be the year that you become your healthiest, lightest, fittest? Thought so! I’m the same. Every year since I can remember, I start the year really healthy and gradually things slip back into the same old pattern. Until after Easter, and then I start again, in a bid

By |2021-10-17T16:49:40+01:00January 11th, 2021|
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