Warning! Exercise may cause happiness

Warning! Exercise may cause happiness

There are loads of reasons why I choose to exercise – I know it helps to manage my weight, I know it lowers my risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and there are lots of other great physical benefits. But more and more these days, I exercise because I just feel better when I do. Not necessarily at the time – running home up the hill after a long run for instance…I don’t feel better right at that point, that would be ridiculous – but when you get to the top, when the sun is shining and it’s just me and my tunes, when I am home and showered, I am one chilled out gal.

I cannot over-stress how much exercise has an impact on my moods, both in creating better moods generally but also the benefits of exercise when I am feeling low.

I do get low… and I write this knowing that many people don’t know I take anti-depressants but it’s not a secret and I don’t hide it. I just don’t talk about it, but maybe I should…so here’s the quick version.

About 3 years ago, after some major life upheavals, I started to really struggle with my moods. My life had changed dramatically and there was a bit of a delayed reaction – about a year or so later, I was struggling with major insomnia, I was feeling overwhelmed at home and work, and feeling really low.  And I didn’t know why, which made it worse because on paper I had everything going for me. So I added in guilt to the mix. Counselling helped me understand why I was feeling like I was feeling, but it didn’t stop me feeling low, and I still to this day have low mood days – for no apparent reason sometimes, or usually a small trigger that then sets me off. I guess lockdown hasn’t helped things either!!

Exercise is the one thing that I know can change my mood pretty much every time. My boyfriend knows now that when I’m struggling, I need to take myself off and ushers me out me out for a walk, run, or a swim. I come back a different person!!! There’s a magic shift in my brain and I just feel better. Partly it’s just getting the mental break and switching off. Partly it’s the feeling of accomplishment when you have finished a run or a workout, and then there’s also the science bit. Those little feel good beauties, endorphins, that are released in your brain when you exercise. The natural pain killers and mood enhancers that cost absolutely nothing. Want an extra boost? Move the workout outdoors – natural sunlight has been proven to release both endorphins and serotonin, which is another happy hormone that regulates your mood (and can help regulate your appetite too!!)

So it’s really no wonder I transform from Oscar the Grouch into the Dalai Lama after a blast around the block or run along the canal, or even a bounce on the trampoline with the kids.

So yes, exercise to lose weight, to be physically fit and healthy…but above all, exercise to be happy!

You’re worth it (cue hair flick…)